What is the Pilatesology Free Trial?
We want to make sure Pilatesology is a good fit for you, so all new members receive a 14-day free trial! At the end of your free trial, your subscription will automatically roll over into the paid plan you selected at signup, unless canceled within the trial period. You will receive an email reminder before you free trial ends. Please check your spam folder if you have not received any emails from us! If you cancel your subscription before your 14 day free trial ends you will stop the billing process but you will still have full access to the website for all 14 days. Because of this your account may still show your subscription in the "Active" column as a green colored "YES". Once the 14 days have passed you will switch to a red colored "inactive". You can cancel your subscription at anytime, 24/7 by logging into your account. There is no commitment and no fees to cancel your subscription.