Can't Login

If you are having trouble logging on or just getting onto the website we hope this will help.

Here are a list of things to check and remember when you log in:

  • If you signed up on our website ( Not the mobile app ) then you created a unique username when you joined. You must use this same username when you login. Oftentimes new members try to use their email address instead of the username.
  • Your username and password are case sensitive so be sure to capitalize exactly like you did when you joined.
  • If you forget your password and use the "forgot password" link be sure to check your spam box. We try our best to make sure you receive the link but if we are not in your contacts oftentimes these emails go straight to spam. We suggest adding to your contacts to avoid this from happening.
  • If you joined through the app then your username will be the same as your Apple ID email or Google Play email. Oftentimes these emails differ from emails used day-to-day for some people, so be sure to check and make sure you use the same email address from your device.
  • This can be confusing: If you signed up on our website and created a unique username but are trying to sign into the mobile apps or Roku/Apple TV channels then you may be asked to enter the email linked to your membership and not your username.
  • If you see a message when you try to login about "authentication failed" or "captcha failed" then refresh the page and try again. This is a security feature that Google implemented last year.

Please email us anytime at if you have any questions or still have trouble. Or click the chat box in the lower right of the website.

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